Monday, September 17, 2012


Currently I am working on a small doggie piece and still working on autumn grandeur (picture to follow later) and my newest one from HAED - All Dogs Go to Heaven by Jim Warren. I have another Jim Warren tos tart - Canine Companions. These are absolutely beautiful patterns for any dog lover (like me) but the blue sky in All Dogs Go To Heaven is driving me CRAZY (that really isn't a drive, just a short putt LOL).

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

SURPRISE, I decided it's high time I got back into doing my blog. I've been really out of touch lately due to (a) saving my church from being closed by the Episcopal Diocese of PA - and we did it - we're doing faily well now and (b) just keeping busy as Senior Warden at my church and stitching whatever, whenever. I added 2 new furbabies since my last post - a 1-1/2 yr old tabbly named Maxine (from my local SPCA) and a 6 wk old kitty rescued by the Police Dept where I work from under the hood of a car - his name is AJ. And of course I still have my darling Daisy.
Below is a stitchy piece I made for a raffle being held by an organization call Canines For Life - they are having an open house on 9/8/12.
Outside of the above I really haven't been doing too much - it was a very hot summer and I'm really, really looking forward to fall. Fall is my most favorite time of year.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ruth's Giveaway

RUTH'S GIVEAWAY (From my CCS Group) Ruth is having a great giveaway on her blog: check it out

Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 2011 Stitching

Below are pictures of what I've been stitching this month. But first is the reason why I don't get more done. Daisy Dog just has to take over my stitching chair whenever I get up. LOL. And there isn't enough room for both of us.
Next is a bookmark I made for a bookmark swap. When I got my surprise package from Herschnerrs there was all this
blue floss so I did the bookmark blue and learned a few new stitches along the way. The design was a freebie from

Owl SAL from Oak Haven - the fabric is actually a lavender over-dyed luanga 32ct 1 over 1. The snowflakes have silver filament and the owl body is is that DMS special effects white.

And this is the Eagle Scout Emblem for my oldest grand-son. There is quite a bit of silver filament in the eagle's body and the wording but it is a relatively easy stitch - just time consuming.

I also worked on Power In The Midst but there really isn't enough to post yet.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Presents 2010

This is actually done in a bright green glitter floss and my co-worker likes green.

These are the ornaments I made for all the ladies I work with.

This is the jar lid I made for the guy at work who loves golfing and constantly brags about my stitching. He's the one I made the black lab for and he told me this morning that it was the hit of their Christmas Party.

Monday, October 18, 2010

I finally finished Dutch Treat's Nativity Table Topper. I didn't follow the chart exactly, I used red beads on the wreaths instead of french knots and did not do the blue squares around the center design. Please do comment.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Vegas LNS

Then I took a very looooooooooong bus trip to the only cross stitch shop in Vegas. Actually it was one bus up the Strip then a transfer to another bus up Sahara Blvd. But the good news: Only $7.00 for a 24 hr bus pass anywhere you wanted to go. I had a great time chatting with the women working there and a couple of great ladies that were stitching away. Then, of course, I bought a few things LOL.
STITCHERS PARADISE - LAS VEGAS, NV. If you ever get to Vegas you just have to go there.

These kits come in all 50 States
and each State has a different
type of New Stitch.
PA has Victoria Stitch and Nevada
has Greek Stitch. These could be VERY

These are: Britty Puppies by Britter Cup Designs and have a dog house charm and a paw print charm. They were just toooo cute to resist - I love my doggie designs. The other one is a kinny Mini by Charland Designs and has several "strange" (for me that is) stitches and ice skate charm. It came with floss but not fabric.

This is a Pine Mountain Designs pillow call Top Ties. It was so colorful I couldn't resist it and it looks like a "quick stitch."

And last but not least is my Hinzeit chart. I have fallen in love with Hinzeit charts with charms. The material is a gloss 28 ct over dyed linen with a dark beigh background with mauvish, greenish design. The floss is Kreinik Fine Overdyed Braid in beigh, green, mauve colors. I loved the colors and just hope I can manage stitching with braid.

All in all I had a fantastic time visiting this shop.